Work in Progress

Capstone Project

★ Major Project

'Package Pirating Prevention'

Project Added Jan 6, 2021

According to CNBC, more than 1.7 million packages are stolen (or lost) EACH DAY in the United States, costing sellers billions of dollars each year. Our goal is to build a solution to decrease or limit the amount of package theft, and are currently developing ideas.

Research Document

This is our group's shared document for the research project! We're done with elements A-C so far.

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Powerpoint Presentation

This is what we presented to the class. Our presentation includes data from two surveys we conducted regarding package theft, where we asked whether people have personally had packages stolen or know someone who has experienced package theft. We also analyzed prior solutions and concluded that, although solutions do exist to limit pirate theft, they are not widespread and are often too expensive.

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